CV 1

Милена Кацарска


Milena Katsarska

Address and email:
Department of English and American Studies
Plovdiv University
24 Tsar Assen str
4000 Plovdiv Bulgaria
Student matters:
General purposes:
Professional qualification: 
Dates (from – to)   1995 onwards
Name and address of employer
Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski, 24 Tsar Assen str, Plovdiv4000, Bulgaria
Occupation or position held
Assistant professor, Lecturer at the Department of British and American studies
Main activities and responsibilities
Conducting seminars and lectures in Introduction to American studies, American cinema / American culture, Gender, sexuality and consumerism in American popular culture at BA and MA levels; English practice seminars in translation, critical writing at BA and MA levels
Coordinator of the American Corner at Plovdiv University
International link & Erasmus coordinator of the Department of English and American studies


• Dates (from – to)



• Name of organisation


University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

• Title of qualification awarded


MLitt in Culture Studies, Thesis in Literature and Nationalism

• Dates (from – to)



• Name of organisation


Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski

• Title of qualification awarded


MA in British and American Studies, Thesis in Contemporary American Drama

 Main Fields of Research: 

American and Culture Studies, Disciplinarity, Intercultural education, Intercultural communication 

Membership in Academic and Professional Institutions, Bodies and Organizations:

• International Association for the Studies of America
• Salzburg Seminar American Studies Alumni Association
• Bulgarian American Studies Association (board member)
• Bulgarian Society for British Studies
• Union of Scholars – Bulgaria


Professional and Academic Awards and Fellowships:

       FEP of the International Council for Canadian Studies, project for a course development ‘A Tale of Two Cities : Literary Montreal and Toronto’ (August-September 2008)
•      Research fellowship at John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Berlin – Germany ‘Railroading Nation – Representation and Dissemination of the Imaginary American in mid 19c.’(September – November 2005)
•      Civic Education Project The Stephen R. Grand Award for Excellence 2003
•     Civic Education Project Eastern European Scholar & Local Faculty Fellowship for two academic years:2001-2002; 2002-2003
•     Research fellowships of the National Research Fund in Bulgaria for:
•     Team project ‘Clash of Civilizations?’ 2005/2006;
•     Individual project ‘Communities & Railroads’ 2001/2002;
•     Team project ‘Assessment & Evaluation Methods in British and American Studies’ 2001
•     Invited speaker at the UEA (UK) Research Seminars in Literature at The School of English and American Studies (2003)
•     Grantholder Salzburg Seminar ASC 30: Politics of American Popular Culture: Here, There and Everywhere, Austria (September 2002)
•     Grantholder Fulbright Summer Institute: American Cultural Diversity: The South, The Southwest and New England, Louisiana State University, USA (June – August 2001)
•     Grantholder Public Affairs Office US Embassy to European Seminars and Conferences in American Studies, presenter – Poland (2000), Czech Republic (2004), Romania (2002, 2003), Hungary (2003, 2006), Netherlands (2003)
•     Grantholder British Council – Slovenia (2005), Oxford Literature Conference UK (2001, 2003)
•     TEMPUS JEP 11010-96 and LAC 2000 projects individual mobility grants at Gent University – Belgium May 2000, Helsinki University – Finland March 2000, King’s College London – UK May 1999, Lisbon University – Portugal May 1997

Participation in other international projects : 

•     CEEPUS network CII-AT-0503-01-1011– Inter-American Studies
•     English Studies in East Europe HE (Romania and Bulgaria) Network Project of the Leverhulme Trust, Coordinator for Bulgaria (
•     English Studies in Higher Education in Non-Anglophone Contexts: East Europe, with the support of the British Academy, Coordinated by Open University, UK
•     Migration Project CRONEM, Surrey and Roehampton Univeristies, UK (
•     Clash of Civilisations Project, Open University, UK (
•     British Council UK Beyond the Screen Literature project with partners from English Departments in Pakistan, Hungary and the UK (2005/2006)
•     British Council Bulgaria DUK (Destination UK/Road Abroad) project (2004/2006)
•     British Council Bulgaria Addressing Marginalisation project (2004/2006)
•     British Council Bulgaria Helpdesk project (2003/2004)
•     DIMPLE European Commission project 2003, Dissemination and Implementation of Helpdesks for Intercultural Learning Materials

Foreign Languages: 




Reading skills




Writing skills





Verbal skills



